Denominational Decision
As many of you know, the United Methodist denomination is at a crossroads. With the impending split ahead of us, Lithopolis United Methodist Church will need to make some decisions in the near future. We wanted to provide our church family with as much un-biased factual information as possible ahead of these decisions. Please use the information provided here to better understand how we arrived at this crossroad and the options before us.
Denominational Decision
On Sunday, January 22, our Leadership Board presented the results of the congregational survey and outlined a path forward for our church family. If you weren't able to attend or want to watch it again, it's here for you.
Global Methodist Church

Please take time to use the resources provided to learn more about the current and future vision of the GMC.
On Sunday, July 24, Rev. Dr. Jeff Greenway shared more about the future vision of the GMC. If you weren’t able to attend or want to listen to it again, it's here for you.
Please take time to use the resources provided to learn more about the current and future vision of the UMC.
United Methodist Church

On Sunday, August 7, Rev. Dr. Tim Bias shared more about the future vision of the UMC. If you weren’t able to attend or want to listen to it again, it's here for you.
On Sunday, October 16, Pastor Alex and Pastor Ray led a Bible study on the passages of scripture that speak most directly to the topic of human sexuality. They shared both a "traditional" and a "progressive" interpretation of each passage.
The intent of this gathering was not to persuade one way or the other, but to gain a broader understanding of the interpretive differences (which include but also extend beyond human sexuality) that have led to division in the UMC.
Provided here are both the recording of that Bible Study and the handout used during our time together.