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February 20-27, 2022​


Our daily devotions go along with our sermon each week to help you further reflect on the message.  As you hear and study these stories each week, consider what God has to say to you.

Sunday (2/20):  Read John 7:37-52


Monday:  Read John 8:1-11

No one is certain what Jesus wrote in the sand.  Whatever it was, it stopped scribes and Pharisees from stoning the woman.  What do you think Jesus was writing?


Tuesday:  Read John 8:12-20

Imagine this scripture from the perspective of a person in the crowd.  What is that like?


Wednesday:  Read John 8:21-30

Have you ever felt like you were explaining something, but someone just couldn’t or wouldn’t understand?  How do you think Jesus was feeling here?


Thursday:  Read John 8:31-38

What do you think it means to be free?


Friday:  Read John 8:48-59

Much of the time, the leaders and crowd are just confused and possibly frustrated with Jesus.  But in verse 59, they’re ready to execute him on the spot.  Why do you think this is?


Saturday:  Read Luke 14:25-35

Jesus is saying that nothing should be more important to us than God, not ever our families, but that doesn’t mean we can’t love our families.  What is Jesus trying to say here?


Sunday:  Read John 9:1-41


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